sunshine on a wet day

i lost my earphones today. i keep losing things. this losing things part of me is a fraction of why i can't get my life together.

list of things i've lost in recent memory
-kayanos in lt3 on the second day of orientation
-starbucks bottle a from singapore
-starbucks bottle b from seattle (i'm damn sorry esther chee)
-in ear earphones from apple
-sony earphones
-countless pens
-my file containing essential notes
-my wallet
-green (fake) ipod sock

shit. this sucks. my life isn't getting back together. the glue is melting. oh wait, it melted long ago. the fragments of my broken porcelain lie shattered on the ground.

har har har. emo.

haha, i took panadol extra plus coffee bing before chinese class and went really high hence i was alert and stuff throughout chinese class (:D). and then j was super super awesome. super. the subject matter was awesome. had no idea women in literature would be such an awesome subject matter- thought it was all feminist bs before it came to today. and i was complimented! omfgoodness.

so yes. life is looking better. i just need to study harder, be more diligent, finish my homework three days before it's due (har har har) and be a nicer friend!

thanks everybody for all your support all this while. esp with the j thing.


hey peeps. it's been long since i wrote about detailed details of my life so maybe i will start again. seems like viewership is rising! haha thanks to the 23 people who came on sunday, you guys amaze me with the time you bother wasting to read my blog. if this goes on i can finally sign up for nuffnang though it'll probably be 3008 before i get my first fifty dollar cheque (yes, like a whole lot of you guys i am listening to boom boom pow too).

i didn't go to school today, and pretty much slept the whole day away. my life is getting messier, more deconstructed everyday. i really hope to pull myself together, i never have been the focussed determined overachieving sort. and i realized that like everyone i'm mixing with especially in sa, we all have great potential. we just don't bother to work on it. i only woke up at 5pm? and went to the docs to get my mc, unluckily all the marine parade central clinics were "out for dinner". so i got my ass to pp and sat in the only clinic open at that time. (lotsa people there). silver lining somewhere though, cuz it cost 21 compared to the usual 30 you pay at the crescent area.

i am really hooked on chinese pop now! har har har! so surprising right. i guess it really grows on you after sometime and you start liking it more and more. the catalyst was the karaoke with momma's side of the family. could you spell awesome more awesomely?

okay this is my life here ladies and gentlemen. nothing fancy, wild, extraordinary. please keep coming back, i don't care if you don't comment. i just need twenty visitors a day! this might be the only economically efficient part of my life. the rest of it is just dead weight lost, lost in god knows what.

P.S. Totally random but if you need to stay awake really badly and you feel damn sleepy, try this. Take a caffeinated food substance and then quickly sleep for fifteen minutes (it takes some time for caffeine to be flushed through your intestinal tract, so while its spreading use that time to fall asleep) and then wake up to find yourself damn refreshed. coffee is good but panadol extra contains 65mg of caffeine, which is equivalent to about a cup of coffee. yeps yeps, practical tips for a jc student.


hello people. long time since i've updated but i've suddenly been inspired by mr shawn woo to write something about my life.

this entry is about my dream job
my dream job is to live out of a huge backpack, armed with a 40d plus some basic redline lenses and a macbook air. and with my gear i will generally travel anywhere my boss tells me to go and i'll just get my ass everywhere with the most varied transportation methods. and my shots will be so awesome and my articles will be so awesome they'll be published everywhere and hopefully that'll be enough to keep me financially afloat. and if i have no work i will find some un relief effort to volunteer in, maybe in kabul or darfur. and if that doesn't work out i'll teach little kids in vietnam how to read english. and if that doesn't work out either i'll get a new writing assignment by then. i'll start of with the ktm komuter in singapore all the way up to kl. and then take a bus up to hatyai. boat from there to some deserted islands in the southern islands. trek up thailand to cambodia. to laos. vietnam. china (china!) and i think i'll spend a hell lot of time in china. and through this all will be me and the camera capturing humanity and how they live and i'll write all this down hoping someone will pay for it.


Modern and Traditional. 2008 O Level Higher Art Paper.

Hey guys. i was drawing some birthday cards for classmates and going though the art stash of paint and paper and charcoal and whatnots when i discovered all sketches and stuff i did for art last four years and it really made me miss what i used to do and then i remembered i spent months on this silly eight boards for my final art project and nobody except art classmates and teachers and bloody moe people who gave me a2 for all the shit ive done saw it. so im going to share this with the world and you guys can come see how my brain worked for the last six months to the o levels :D

prodedness is discipline, hardwork and smarts.

i'm sitting down and studying econs. i look in front and look beneath. the screen is a picture of columbia's library. beneath is sloman's sixth edition. beneath gets you in front. but everything is so bloody uncertain. sa has one of the worst scholarship rates any jc could have, in the past decade i dont think anybody from sa has ever gotten a psc. but then again only 60+ people get pscs. life is bloody uncertain and bloody hazy and foggy and you really can't see the front. all you gotta do now is to remember everything and oligopoly has to offer, everything southeast asian in the past century, everything cold warish, anything shrewish, anything wuthering heightsish. and you not only have to memorize that you have to be able to organize that information smoothly in your head. it should be so smooth and you're so in control of that information that its like water flowing through your hands. you're a magician of knowledge, able to analyze, evaluate and play around with the huge pile of papers to please the cambridge peeps. and you have less than eighteen months left. be scared, be very scared.

oh, don't forget the sats too. columbia will need them.


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