

Let's just say tomorrow will be my biggest Monday blues ever.


Edging back and forth, jaggedly, jaggedly inching yourself forward. The course has no precedent, it is new, uninformed, unknowing. We live on this course, each day tasting new flavors, smelling jasmine and tea tree eucalyptus. Each day brings something different, unique, unaware. We journey it like an unexperienced driver, always checking to make sure the doors are properly closed. That is the day, that is the day.

I am an unfocused person. If I ever get focussed and ever get my life together and ever get the fragments that surround all of me and get piece together the pieces of my puzzle and fix those lazy jigsaw pieces and blow the air inside my balloon, I'm quite convinced that there's no reason for absent success. I have suddenly fell in love with the pictorial forms again- cinematography, photography. And I really regret the lost fragments and the helium I should have bought from the craft store.

The Edge of Heaven is definitely a solid movie. You guys should all watch it, or ask me to watch it with you.

Typing in the new room is fun (:


Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real places, names and/or objects, but nothing made up! Try to use different answers if the person you got this from has the same first initial. You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question. And Have Fun With It!

1) 4 LETTER WORD: Wash, When, What, With, Whom.
2) BOY NAME: William, Wally, Will, Wayne.
3) GIRL NAME: Wren, Wendy, Winnie.
4) OCCUPATION: Weather-girl? Washerwoman.
5) A COLOR: White, Wheat, Wisteria (Fine i copied the last two from Wiki).
6) SOMETHING YOU WEAR: Wellington boots, Wristwatches.
7) BEVERAGE: Wine, Whisky.
8) FOOD: Wonder Bread, Waffles, Walnuts.
10) A PLACE: Wellington, Wyoming, Woodlands.
11) REASON FOR BEING LATE: WengKeong Wouldn't Walk.


Xiaogang skipped through the vast fields, overgrown with bluegrass and wheat. The wind blew gently; the sky a mix of orange and blue. The temperature was slightly chilly, and Xiaogang continued his journey into the never-ending plain. He was alone in this vast, vast field, and with high spirits he sang a song. "The east is red, the sun is rising. China has brought forth a Mao Zedong." Familiar lyrics from school.

The skipping motions of his feet soon broke into a walk. Black strokes of paint added to the orange sky. Soon, it was dark, and the walk was now a trudge. Xiaogang kept walking, his song getting softer and softer. "He works for the people's happiness, he is the people's great saving star" the words listlessly forming at his lips.

He finally stopped, finding himself still in the middle of the vast field. North, south, east and west were just captors of the repetitions of that Kentucky bluegrass. The moon shone brightly, and owls made their owl noises though there seemed to be no trees. Xiaogang felt alone, albeit that was the case since the day. He sat down with a jolt and looked up into the sky. It was as vast as the field he was in now.

He looked at the stars, some of them clouded. He tried to make out the constellations he had learnt in school; yet the school had never taught him such things. Feeling the strain in his neck, he decided to lie down on the soft cool grass. His hands tucked themselves behind his head, his eyes began to close.

The lyrics of the song started to ring in his head again, and tears began to form at his eyes. "The Communist Party is like the sun, bringing light wherever is shines. Where there's the Communist Party, there the people will win liberation."

He tried to feel liberated, and kept on trying.


I chanced upon the flowers in the woods.
Sprung fangs,
bit my finger.

I slated my legs ahead of each other,
burdensome and horrid,
I was frightened.

Every edge of the woods were now filled with these flowers,
thousands and millions.
I scream, useless.

The fangs snap loudly, decibels above ranges
Overwhelmed and cursed
I collapse.

It is a front, because this nightmare will never end.

Inspired by A Culture Rethinks Psychology by Melinda Liu.


I watched the infamous CSJ video today, definitely not worth your time, it's just a list of overly played, heartstring tugging motions. What really amused me though was because of the MDA involvement, viewership for this climbed from just over seventy to who knows how many thousand now. Oh well, protocol is still protocol.

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