
hello people. long time since i've updated but i've suddenly been inspired by mr shawn woo to write something about my life.

this entry is about my dream job
my dream job is to live out of a huge backpack, armed with a 40d plus some basic redline lenses and a macbook air. and with my gear i will generally travel anywhere my boss tells me to go and i'll just get my ass everywhere with the most varied transportation methods. and my shots will be so awesome and my articles will be so awesome they'll be published everywhere and hopefully that'll be enough to keep me financially afloat. and if i have no work i will find some un relief effort to volunteer in, maybe in kabul or darfur. and if that doesn't work out i'll teach little kids in vietnam how to read english. and if that doesn't work out either i'll get a new writing assignment by then. i'll start of with the ktm komuter in singapore all the way up to kl. and then take a bus up to hatyai. boat from there to some deserted islands in the southern islands. trek up thailand to cambodia. to laos. vietnam. china (china!) and i think i'll spend a hell lot of time in china. and through this all will be me and the camera capturing humanity and how they live and i'll write all this down hoping someone will pay for it.


2 Responses to “fantasies”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    We all dream Weng:)
    Stop skipping Thursdays!!!!!!  

  2. # Blogger Kenneth

    Haha. Life is just that.

    Still we can dream, can't we? =)  

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