Modern and Traditional. 2008 O Level Higher Art Paper.
1 Comments Published by wengkeong on Monday, May 11, 2009 at 06:42.

Hey guys. i was drawing some birthday cards for classmates and going though the art stash of paint and paper and charcoal and whatnots when i discovered all sketches and stuff i did for art last four years and it really made me miss what i used to do and then i remembered i spent months on this silly eight boards for my final art project and nobody except art classmates and teachers and bloody moe people who gave me a2 for all the shit ive done saw it. so im going to share this with the world and you guys can come see how my brain worked for the last six months to the o levels :D

1 Responses to “Modern and Traditional. 2008 O Level Higher Art Paper.”
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wahseh i can't believe you got only an A2?! WTH.