Culture de sac has degenerated into a symbol of my declining brain activity. Today I write incoherent, childish things that have little to do with my life or the life around me. I do, however, have sparks of inspiration now and then, which usually end up as standpointless (that's not a real word, by the way) GP essays with horrible grammar, punctuation, and most importantly a bywk perspective. Enjoy.
written on the middle of 2009, 30th June.
Culture de sac is a portmanteau of the words culture and cul de sac. I'm not anti-establishment, my facebook political views says "Moderate". But certainly aspects of our practices will hit a dead end.
These writing exist to (hopefully) engage more individuals in current issues and affairs that actually affect them- directly or not. It is thinking space, for us to ponder about how society is changing our lives and how we can change society. I think what is important (and foundational) is that everyone today is informed, because only with an informed public can we have an informed government. And we all know where the lack of information throws us- to the backwardness of history.
So take a seat and look at things around you, this is a commentary. Telling, shouting, criticizing but not forcing (I hope at least!) views on you so you can have a look at various opinions. Take charge of what you want to know in life, be your influence.
written on the middle of 2009, 30th June.
These writing exist to (hopefully) engage more individuals in current issues and affairs that actually affect them- directly or not. It is thinking space, for us to ponder about how society is changing our lives and how we can change society. I think what is important (and foundational) is that everyone today is informed, because only with an informed public can we have an informed government. And we all know where the lack of information throws us- to the backwardness of history.
So take a seat and look at things around you, this is a commentary. Telling, shouting, criticizing but not forcing (I hope at least!) views on you so you can have a look at various opinions. Take charge of what you want to know in life, be your influence.

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