Today was a rather disorientated day. In fact most days are disorientated. I go on severe mood-swings, a lousy surfer riding colossal waves. Such is the state of my brain in the morning.
I didn't eat breakfast and recess today, resulting in a 19 hour fast. I did it before but today was enormously horrible. How does one sits through the side effects of anorexia amazes me. It's really not the hunger that kills you, but the headaches and drowsiness and lack of energy and this and that and shit.
Prelims are in 15 days and for the first time in my life I'm actually giving a damn. The bad part about that is you're affected by the results you achieve. Because if you do badly and you worked hard it means you suck.
I need to sleep early. Disconnect.
I didn't eat breakfast and recess today, resulting in a 19 hour fast. I did it before but today was enormously horrible. How does one sits through the side effects of anorexia amazes me. It's really not the hunger that kills you, but the headaches and drowsiness and lack of energy and this and that and shit.
Prelims are in 15 days and for the first time in my life I'm actually giving a damn. The bad part about that is you're affected by the results you achieve. Because if you do badly and you worked hard it means you suck.
I need to sleep early. Disconnect.
1 Responses to “mfgphhht”
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If you do badly in academics it does NOT mean that you suck, it simply means you can do better in other areas! Like art, for instance. I'm sure you can do well in art.
Failing that, there's always hope! Even if you have no O-levels at all, you can still have a decent career in Social work. Helping the poor and the elderly and such. A decent life, In my opinion.
And if even THAT fails, you could always sign on in the army. And get promoted directly to a high-ranking, high-paying managerial role in Government-owned companies such as Singapore Technologies. All you have to do to do well in the army is a body. And you have that, don't you?