I just finished Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi. Now I know why graphic novels are so popular, the gorgeous illustrations, visual feasts. A picture paints a thousand words; saves a lot of work for the writer.
But the real flashing neon here is the increasing number of publications from Middle Eastern countries that really put a face to their nation. We've seen Khaled Hosseini and his duo of bestselling books. And Persepolis being not only a bestseller, but also an Oscar-nominated film. And then the many other movies that have made it to the various film festivals.
It's really important that we take note of them, because, I quote Satrapi, an entire nation should not be judged by the wrongdoings of a few extremists. Countries in the ME who have excruciatingly low GDPs are usually judged as terrorist countries with creepy bearded men and mysterious masked women. We haven't understood that there's a lot beneath the surface.
So yea, I'm not surprised if we're gonna see the next bestselling author from Iraq or Pakistan. Or maybe he's already somewhere there and I'm just pathetic. Both ways, we really have to be responsible with what we believe in these days.

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