Damn you

It doesn't take much to push around the angular borders of the human dense carriage. A bit of excuse me, a bit of elbow, a bit of thank you, and it takes you to a spot more comfortable than before. The keyword is really than before because what things really are later is largely the same thing: squashed, confused sardine conditions. What I really yearn for is that despite the jostling and pushing and cramp and claustrophobic spasms, I have this really nice pole to lean on. It's cold, it's lifeless, it's doesn't give a damn. But at least I can lean on it till I get home.

Get on the train, it's time to move on. How come my feet freezes?

2 Responses to “Damn you”

  1. # Blogger Nigel



    As in, not a rhetorical statement, like, you must be happy after winnig the prize, rather you must be happy; you have to be happy.  

  2. # Blogger -Linus-

    How do you always come up with such succinct yet amazing posts? >.<  

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