He stands by the road. Cars whizzing by, back and forth. They never seem to stop, they always have somewhere to go. He stands there, waiting for them to stop. But they never do.
He needs to cross that road; get to the other side. He stares into the whizzes of light streaming across the night tar. The surrealist in him starts to be excited, but he just stands there, wanting to cross the road.
Then he notices a group of men walking past. They too, stand at the edge of the concrete, waiting to cross the road. In some thick heavy mandarin, they shout "One, two, three!" Strength in numbers, he thought. He ran along with them. Through the streaming lights, through the night tar.
Four or five pentagons came so close to them, but "strength in numbers" was all that was going through his mind. "Strength in numbers, strength in numbers."
They reached the other end. The group of men chattered excitedly, again in thick heavy mandarin. "There's one more! There's one more!"
He stole a quick glance at them, then quickly pranced away into the night tar.
Oh and I just have to post this.
He needs to cross that road; get to the other side. He stares into the whizzes of light streaming across the night tar. The surrealist in him starts to be excited, but he just stands there, wanting to cross the road.
Then he notices a group of men walking past. They too, stand at the edge of the concrete, waiting to cross the road. In some thick heavy mandarin, they shout "One, two, three!" Strength in numbers, he thought. He ran along with them. Through the streaming lights, through the night tar.
Four or five pentagons came so close to them, but "strength in numbers" was all that was going through his mind. "Strength in numbers, strength in numbers."
They reached the other end. The group of men chattered excitedly, again in thick heavy mandarin. "There's one more! There's one more!"
He stole a quick glance at them, then quickly pranced away into the night tar.
In small font I shall include snippets of my life since my blog seems hardly about my life anymore. 'O's are ending and since my blog has minute readership I shall be explicit here and state that I might be going to double digit TPJC. At night in the dark when you're sleeping (or about to sleep) and you start pondering and thinking about anything I thought about the consequences of my slack, and I realize TPJC wasn't a bad place after all (who said it was bad in the first place you evil elitist muaha).
And then there's me going to pick up Japanese! I have memorized about 90% of hiragana so that's pretty cool. Everything is Malay now though. Read and not understand. ハハ.
There's also me trying to improve my Chinese: for professional, emotional, identity-related and cultural reasons. I am now attempting to read (and fully understand) the first 10 pages of 爱新觉罗 溥仪's 我的前半生. By the way, 溥仪 is Imperial China's last emperor so I thought it'd be pretty interesting to read about his transition from absolute monarchy to communism.
That's all about my life (for now). After the 13th November my life will be: running, reading, katakana, hiragana, kanji, travel, straits times npc, blading and learning chinese. And hopefully hopefully Borders.
And then there's me going to pick up Japanese! I have memorized about 90% of hiragana so that's pretty cool. Everything is Malay now though. Read and not understand. ハハ.
There's also me trying to improve my Chinese: for professional, emotional, identity-related and cultural reasons. I am now attempting to read (and fully understand) the first 10 pages of 爱新觉罗 溥仪's 我的前半生. By the way, 溥仪 is Imperial China's last emperor so I thought it'd be pretty interesting to read about his transition from absolute monarchy to communism.
That's all about my life (for now). After the 13th November my life will be: running, reading, katakana, hiragana, kanji, travel, straits times npc, blading and learning chinese. And hopefully hopefully Borders.
Oh and I just have to post this.

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